Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stop the chaos! Child Soldiers

Child soldiers really has bright side as you can tell. Being in Africa and being a young boy is just a really bad mix. Hearing or seeing what happens to these kids is just honestly the most heart yanking thing you will ever feel. Most people hear about and say oh thats terrible but seeing or witnessing this stuff is a whole different story. These kids go through the most twisted stuff like having to kill and rape family members like no one deserves that. Kids all over the world have problems but non like what the kids in Africa go though. When I think about this I get shivers cause I could never ever handle the things these kids are going through. This is a problem some people are working on and some just isn't enough. More people need to realize how much of a bad situation these kids are in.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Music For Ishmael!

Ishmael is one of the few children who was saved from a situation like his. Being child solider is a secret that americans don't like to confront even though its not a problem in our country. He used music to help in in some situations where his life was at stake. Music was in mental escape from the world. Being a child solider in Africa is a very common thing to see. They use them for no other purpose besides fighting and if you don't do what you are told to do then its your life or someone else's that is going to be taken. In Ishmael's case it was killed or be killed. After getting sold to a humanitarian group he was saved but went through a lot of physical and mental pain. So for Ishmael I give him a song that build's confidence and has a lot of emotion in it it is called Waving Flag from a Somalian rapper.